Wednesday, July 24, 2013

DIY All-Purpose Cleaner

I found the best homemade all-purpose cleaner recipe. 

It’s cheap, and it’s safe

One day I walked into the living room and found to my horror that my 3 year old had acquired a can of multi-purpose cleaner and sprayed half the bottle all over the coffee table and floor. I was so grateful she had not decided to taste any of it, but the overpowering chemical smell was nauseating.

That was when I decided to switch to homemade—safer—cleaning products.  I don’t think I’ll ever go back to the commercial all-purpose cleaners again.

Main Ingredients: 

White Distilled Vinegar

Optional Ingredients:

Dawn Dish Liquid
Essential Oil or Lemon Juice 

Putting it Together:

  1. Choose a clean spray bottle. (I bought mine at Wal-Mart for $1.)
  2. Fill the spray bottle with the vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. (50% water, 50% vinegar)
  3. Optional: For added oomph I also add one squirt of Dawn dish-washing liquid. It cuts grease better in the kitchen.
  4. Replace the top of the spray bottle.
  5. Gently turn the bottle upside down a few times to mix the solution evenly.
  6. Clearly label the contents of the bottle.

The Scent:

Some people don’t like the scent of vinegar. I understand. However, here are a few tips:
  •  The vinegar scent disappears when it dries, and it takes other odors with it—leaving your home smelling clean. (Great for refrigerators and trashcans!)
  • If you prefer to cover up the vinegar scent a little—or simply want a more fragrant scent—you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • I add 1-2 Tablespoons of lemon juice to mine because I like the fresh lemon scent.
  • You can also stick lemon peels in a jar of vinegar and let them steep for 1-2 weeks before using the vinegar. The lemon scent will be infused in the vinegar. (I haven't been patient enough to try this.) 


This DIY all-purpose cleaner is great in the kitchen and bathroom—the whole house. Vinegar kills mold and mildew, gets rid of hard water stains, and works miracles on pans with burnt-on food. I use it on glass, plastic, stainless, and wood. I use it on my counters and my floors—anything that needs to be cleaned. I even use it on pots and pans.

For me, the best part is that I don’t have to worry about my kids getting into the all-purpose cleaner. Now I can hand my 4 year old a spray bottle and let her help me clean! 

Disclaimer: I am not a chemist. Always exercise caution when mixing any household products. Also check the care guidelines for your household surfaces before cleaning. The acidity of the vinegar may damage some surfaces.

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